Imagine wanting to explore the world a thousand years ago…
Your adventurous spirit yearned for more but you had no idea what directions to go or what dangers lurked around the corner. It was dangerous enough just surviving around home. Through huge sacrifice the adventurous spirit of the human race always prevailed. The sensible adventures patiently waited for a better way.
Then came the invention of a compass…
A simple tool that brought you guidance and the feeling that you could explore more boldly and have a better sense of where you were in the world. Showing us that with the right tools, we could go anywhere and do anything.
Limitless possibility unfolds from the right tools.
And yet, no matter what your adventurous spirit said, or what tools you invest in today, our relationship with our body and mind has a significant impact on the life we live and the the achievements ahead. It's too easy for the compulsions of our body and mind to steal away potential and leave us empty and miserable for far too long.
Enter Key on Harmony and our Logo.
The symbol is a reminder of the importance of cultivating the tools within so that achievement and fulfillment could be an everyday reality for you. Inspired by the immense power of cultivating harmony of body, mind and spirit so that your gifts may be unleashed upon the world.
The 3 drops represent our body, our mind, and our spirit. Each an important element to be mindful of and nurture as you live your life.
The 3 arrows signify a journey inward and the importance of having tools of awareness that help cultivate your inner world.
The three tools that we uniquely use to help with our journey inward are critical to us breaking through the challenges that keep most people stuck.
Our logo is more than just a picture…
It's our community's symbol of a possibility available to each of us when we look inward and help hold each other to a higher standard for living life to its fullest.
I hope every time you see it, it sparks a conscious choice to embrace all of life and allow the best of your thoughts, emotions, and ideas to win out for the betterment of our world. (and we get wildly successful and prosperous together in the process!)